In a corporate-controlled future, an ultra-violent sport known as Rollerball represents the world, and one of its powerful athletes is out to defy those who want him out of the game. In a futuristic society where corporations have replaced countries, the violent game of Rollerball is used to control the populace by demonstrating the futility of individuality. However, one player, Jonathan E., rises to the top, fights for his personal freedom, and threatens the corporate control. If you like futuristic movies from the past, you should like this title just fine. However, if you are the sort of person that dreads at the thought of 'campy' and 'overly futuristic' versions of what the future looked like it might become (circa '75) stay away, you will hate this film.<br/><br/>The plot is pretty good, I suppose. The morality plays are somewhat heavy handed at points, but whatever. It's pretty good and if you are into retro design, like I am, you will quite like it. I caught Rollerball on Turner Classic Movies this past weekend and I watched it for the first time out of curiousity.<br/><br/>After the movie ended, I couldn't have been happier. The movie was just flat out boring and stupid. Why is the film labeled and "brutal" and "gory"? You want brutality and gore in a movie? Watch Starship Troopers. This was nothing but overrated trash.<br/><br/>I really wanted to like this movie as it seemed to be a combination of fast action and a thought provoking story. In the end it was a dull, poorly written, and poorly acted film with three weak as a hell action sequences and a bunch of no talent actors(Except Houseman. I feel sorry for him that he was in this. Poor soul.) <br/><br/>Maybe if the story was more thought provoking(As in they explain why everything in the future is the way it is. I mean, the Corporate Wars sounded interesting. Why didn't they elaborate on it?!?!), the acting better, and the action sequences more fast and exciting, this would be at the very least, a decent film.<br/><br/>As it is, it's a film with weak acting, dismal action sequences, and a paper thin story.<br/><br/>*out of *****
Jolegiaci replied
337 weeks ago